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Heidi Newfield "Wrong Side Of The Bottle"

Music heals.  No really it does -- there is a new study just posted from the British Academy of Sound Therapy . Music takes 13 minutes to “release sadness’ and 9 minutes to “make you happy.’ Thank goodness for something so simple, one that we can control ourselves. I feel blessed that I get to play music on the radio, and that others can hear it and here's hoping it will make them feel good, too. Check out to hear the genre that we shine a light on at Music Fog.

Today’s video is from Heidi Newfield. I first met her in the band Trick Pony when they were getting signed to their major label deal. Heidi is a pistol. You gotta love a woman who blows harp, has a whiskey-soaked voice, and who swaggers on stage.

She has been working on new music, and her album. The Barfly Sessions, is forthcoming. From it, today’s Music Fog entry is “Wrong Side of the Bottle” filmed in a private session in Nashville.

-- Jessie Scott


Mary Bragg "More Than You Do"

The Super Bowl© is upon us, and it came so close for my teams this year. Alas, they didn’t make it and since I have no horse in the race, I am rooting for a good game and for great commercials. And for the food, always! While I was flying back through Florida from the Delbert Cruise, they had Super Bowl 56 swag for sale. I almost bought a t-shirt, as the Roman numerals spell out LIV, which I thought was great messaging. But at first glance I thought it was LVI. Yes, I probably need new glasses.

Today’s video is from Mary Bragg, and it reminds us how precious each day is. This is made especially poignant by the passing of David Olney at 30A two weeks ago, while on stage with Amy Rigby and Scott Miller. The night before, Olney was on stage with Amelia White and Mary Bragg. Hold someone close and tell them you love them whenever you can.

- Jessie Scott