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Jim McBean

Jim McBean is known as "The Velvet Fog" of Music Fog. He's also a high-ranking Partner, if that matters...

Jim never had to change his name to broadcast on such great radio stations as WSHE – WGTR – WCXS – WLPX. Listeners had a hard time believing
 that “McBean” wasn’t some phony stage name. But he never felt a need to be anyone else behind the microphone.

McBean (that’s what everyone calls him) was one of the first programmers with Lee Abram’s “Superstars” network. But he also had the dubious distinction ofbroadcasting out of a cheese factory in a jerkwater Wisconsin town.

Holding the coveted evening slot at WLPX, McBean was known for his candidinterviews with up-and-comers. David Lee Roth, The Police, AC/DC. Rock’s stalwart performers always had him listed as one of the first stops on the interview/tour circuit. Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, Genesis. Name dropping is not out of bounds for him.

In 1983 he was teamed up with Skip Herman to become part of the nationally known morning team of Herman & McBean in Miami (WSHE & WGTR). Together, they invented the wildly successful “staged event” morning show: Blimp Racing against The Miami Vice TV cast, The Home Invasion, The Boss Toss, Turkey Bowling, The Kiss Ass Interview, The Crash & Burn Make Over Challenge. McBean even lined his own pockets with cold hard cash by wresting Bears, Alligators & Boxing Kangaroos. His self-produced TV commercials featured a live chimp wearing hi-tops & colorful clothing.

In 1990 he took the same act to Detroit (WCSX) with a new producer named Scott Chapin. Having been told by management that the show would never succeed in Motown, McBean took to the streets and handed out 5 dollar bills (The “Finskaroo”) to get listener attention. It worked. Better than anyone could imagine. He quickly followed with a series of TV commercial endorsements featuring everyday people he found in the Detroit phone book with famous rock star’s names. George Harrison, Phil Collins, Pat Benatar.

1996 - Bywire Productions was formed. McBean headed the company, integrating the latest digital technology that would take commercial audio to the next level. Bywire became an outsource production house for over 35 radio stations across the US. Commercial clients, as well as the U.S. Government, used the service. XM caught his attention with a need for a massive amount of produced audio to launch XM Satellite Radio.

McBean became a part of the XM Production staff in 2000. He built the audio design for storied programs such as Artist Confidential & Then/Again. Also worked closely with Bob Dylan’s staff to launch Theme Time Radio Hour. He built audio design for a BB King pilot radio show that is soon to be heard across the nation.

In 2005, McBean became the Vice President of Production for XM Satellite Radio. Responsible for 13 Production studios and a staff that exceeded 30 members, he saw to it that over 4,500 pieces of audio were produced each month for the satellite platform. Assembling a team of inventive field producers, he also championed live content from around the world on XM. Live 8The GrammysBonnarooSXSWLive Earth, Mozart’s 200th Birthday Concert Celebrations from Salzburg--all were produced with his team, and broadcast to the United States exclusively.

Now McBean is a founding member of Music Fog Xporters. A venture company that plans to blog major music, political, corporate & social events via the web. He hopes that this leap “into the dark” will finally make him “legit."
