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Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.


Calling All Fans

Fans We're gonna try something new here. It might bomb, but hell, we gotta try it once!

We'd like to ask any and all Americana music fans to be contributing reporters to this site. We are traveling to as many cool events as we can, but we can't everywhere at once. So, the next time you catch a show at your local dive, send us a pic and/or video along with a write-up and we'll post it here for the world to see. You can use your full name, nickname, whatever you'd like. We'll even assign you a Music Fog fan reporter number, so the first people who send us a story will have the lowest ones (being Music Fog Fan Reporter #001 will be a big deal).

Try to keep your story brief though, maybe 100 words or so. This is a blog, and we can't be posing any 8-page diatribes!

Here are some examples of content you could include in your story:

1. A cool headline
2. Set list
3. Pic (yes, a crappy cell phone photo will work just fine)
4. A quick video
5. Location, date, and time of show
6. Review
7. A quote from a fan

You can email your stuff to and I'll add it to the site.

Also...we're trying to come up with a cool name for this feature so if you have any ideas, let us know!

-Ben Krech

[UPDATE: Jeff Dykhuis from Grand Rapids was the first person to email me and lock in his fan reporter number. He is the proud owner of the coveted 001 spot. Good luck with your reports Jeff!]

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Jessie Scott's Top 50 of 2008

Jess We love that folks are posting. We so appreciate the support and the suggestions. Keep 'em coming!

I was thinking about all the music and information that's still coming my way (thank goodness) and thinking that we need to have a place to turn you on to stuff. Starting soon, we will be bringing you a weekly article right here that focuses on Americana music information: tours rolling out, who's in the studio, and yes, my recommendations for new music.

You know, sometimes it is "great minds think alike." Thanks to the posts from Mark and Jose. Now, in the 'bout a chart of my favs of 2008? Click the link below to download. (no viruses or SPAM, promise!)

-Jessie Scott

Download Top 50 of 2008

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