Will Kimbrough "When I Get to Memphis"
Before our world became so accessible, with highways and easy air travel, songs conjured up feelings about far away places. One could listen and imagine what they were like. There was such romance to it, such an interconnected sense to hearing about Old Cape Cod, Saginaw Michigan, or Santa Catalina. It is strange now to be yearning for far away places, but most of us have the quarantine blues as we stay at home and hardly venture past the city limits.
Today we head down the Mississippi with Will Kimbrough. New Orleans brings sultry weather and a banquet of flavors and music. Of course, one could hit I-10 for Mobile, Alabama, where a couple of songwriters met a while back, Jimmy Buffett and Will Kimbrough. You know, Will has just contributed four tunes to the new Jimmy Buffett album Life on the Flip Side, which speaks to how fine a songwriter he is. Last year, Music Fog captured “When I Get To Memphis” from Will’s I Like It Down Here album, with Bryan Owings and Chris Donohue.
- Jessie Scott
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