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Watson Twins "Southern Manners"

The Watson Twins most recent album, Duo, came out in 2018. I don’t know about you, but that feels like a lifetime ago! Long ago and far away there was a time of fraternity and community. It doesn’t seem possible now, but back then people actually helped each other. Yes, there were standards, mores, and a social code that most of us agreed upon. Now, I am not suggesting a return to the bad old cookie cutter days of the 50’s, because that was so buttoned down that it was stifling, but I do wish we could just get along.

Chandra and Leigh Watson, and Chandra’s husband, multi-instrumentalist, producer Russ Pollard, take us back to their first release, the Southern Manners EP from 2006 in this Music Fog performance. And they return us to a simpler time of gentle breezes and being good to each other. This is the title song, “Southern Manners,” filmed in a private session last year in Nashville. Take a moment to bask in the quiet beauty of it all, while you remember the innocence.

- Jessie Scott

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